God’s Mercies
…are new every morning….just sometimes later in the morning. Ha! I think weekends are hard for the kids… missing their worship time and time with family. Anyway, intestinal issues hit me during the day on Monday, while homesickness hit the kids that night in a big way. Then, Tuesday morning, while I was hoping for those new mercies… Fedlaine had a crying fit about going to school.  I was completely undone at that point in the morning…so I went to the office and I called out for prayer. As soon as I walked back to the tent, God gave us the gift of two new kittens, hand-delivered by Dianne Pierre.  

God so answers prayer- Tuesday ended up to be a wonderful day. The kids were happy. I felt better. We moved all of our school to the office so that we won’t be going back and forth between tent and office – and had a great day of school. The afternoon was cooler and the sunset was gorgeous. God’s mercies were definitely new on Tuesday… just in the nick of time. Thank you all for praying. I can tell you they sustain us through each day. God is so good.

Jodi Bauman
2/7/2011 10:18:31 am

So glad the kids have kittens, Amy! Your Mom told me about it, but it's nice to see their smiling faces in this picture! :-)


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