So God has been so good to us. We had been encouraged to hire someone to help around the "house". We only wanted someone a couple of afternoons a week to help with laundry, but apparently NVM wants precedent set that workers work all day every day, AND that it would be a blessing to someone to have a job. So, for $62 a month a LOVELY young single mom comes all day. She has a 7 year old son who is a real sweetie. She sweeps, does our laundry, cleans our shoes, etc. She also helps Fedlaine with her homework, does her hair, and watches her when I have to go to the store. I am working on teaching her English and she teaches me Creole and I watch her do Fedlaine's hair. I've also been teaching her how to make paper beads. She reads the Bible to me in Creole and I repeat after her. What a huge blessing. Pray that we can encourage her and be a blessing to her and her son.

God was good to me yesterday morning. I took the Elliott's dog, Kofe for a walk into Chambrun. This dog is a hoot. He lives in the fence that surrounds our two tents and chases and barks at any Haitian that comes near the fence. (Not Americans...only Haitians - no joke!) Anyway, I took this dear dog on a walk and felt VERY safe. No Haitians came near me while I walk...which is great since usually the kids all want to come up and hold my hand and I don't get a very good walk in. As Kofe and I walked, we saw pigs, cows, goats, and about got run over by a huge herd of sheep. It was a beautiful morning walking, listening to worship musi

Yes, God has been good to us. Yesterday the trip to the store was accomplished in record time. (Although when Aaron Elliott got behind the wheel, none of the front panel was working - had no idea how much gas we had or how fast we were going... He only tried to run over two cows. AND only saw one dump truck which had crashed into a corner of a building, leaving dirt/manure all over.)

Anyway, as I was saying, God has been so good. I bypassed the $9 container of Edy's ice cream and bought 12 little cups of ice cream for $6. Our first ice cream in 3 weeks! Watched the sunset on the roof of the school with Jay and the kids just before dinner. THEN... right before bed the grapevine spread the fact that there were  GHIRADELLI chocolate chip cookies, just hot out of the oven. One of the team members had brought down the chocolate and they made them as a special treat. Let me tell you... those had to have been the best cookies I have ever had!

This morning that same team got up early and made cheese omelets, hash browns, and bacon for breakfast. I am feeling very full and very spoiled. Thank you, Jesus.
Grandpa David
1/29/2011 06:11:32 am

Wow! Someone to do your laundry, chocolate chip cookies, omelets, bacon, and hash browns. We don't have that here in Michigan!


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