Top Ten Bummers:
10. Waiting to go to the beach (which I am doing right now).
9. Bugs in the flour, and rice, and sugar, and....
8. The smell of charcoal fires first thing when you wake up and last thing before you go to bed.
7.  When the Internet goes down.
6. Walking back and forth to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
5. Lack of fresh fruits and vegetables!
4. Being woken up at 6am on a Saturday morning by loud piano music and being woken up at 6am on Sunday mornings by loud music. (Not that I don't love music...just not that early!)
3. My diminished chocolate stash-  3 pieces of chocolate left to last two weeks. Very sad.
2. When my kids get homesick...and when I get homesick for family and friends.
1. Having to say no to children who tell me they are hungry and ask for food. (NVM discourages begging - otherwise it would get out of control.)

Top Ten Blessings

10. We have 6 ice cream cups left in our freezer...waiting for a rainy day to eat them.
9. Our two new kittens who give us the gift of  laughter and fuzzy snuggles.
8. Watching the sunset on the top of a roof.
7. Eating mango cobbler and learning how to make Chinese Food with lots of veggies! Yeah!
6. Our tent is adventurous and helps me really look forward to our staff housing - pray for it to be fully funded and complete soon - March 4th is projected date. Ooohhh! Our own bathroom AND air conditioning! Ooooh!
5. Going to the beach...and taking Fedlaine to see the ocean for the first time. (Waiting patiently, can't you tell!?... Right now they are checking to see if the bus will run...)
4. Seeing people from all over the world work together to accomplish God's provision and blessing for those in Haiti. Pray that many would turn to Him and that this country would be blessed and healed.
3. Surrounded by neat people who love Jesus.
2. Our family is all together and healthy and I have a wonderful husband.
1. God is WITH us in Haiti.

Debbie Lamb
2/5/2011 08:38:17 am

Love your blog! Thanks for keeping us updated on what is going on and your prayer requests too. We pray for you every day. Sometimes it seems like you are still right here. Your two new kittens are adorable. Keep your eyes on the Lord and He will guide your path. We are so proud of you guys. Keep up the wonderful work you are doing for our Lord in Haiti.

2/6/2011 05:20:31 am

Love you guys!

Jackie Brumley
2/6/2011 10:54:35 am

Amy - Been praying for you daily. Stay strong. You are doing what God has called you to do and you will be a blessing to those in Chambrun! I agree - the sunsets from the roof is truly a treasure in Haiti.


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