It’s Sunday afternoon and Jay was just pulled up from his nap to go help unload 15 boxes from the container for someone. I’m sitting outside our tent trying to catch some breeze while Fedlaine makes pictures with chalk on our little walkway. The boys are reading and Anna went to the beach with the team.  I’m supposed to be working on grading and planning school. It's hard to stop and think about what our time here has been like....there's always something going on and something to do.  Friday night a container came in unexpectedly and the guys spent several hours trying to get it unloaded. Saturday night we made pizza and after dinner I assisted Jay in making cinnamon rolls for Sunday morning (they were REALLY good!) Right now there's a girl at the gate who wants to talk.

It’s been a busy, “a lot” week with a lot of people here.  We’ve done lots of cooking…cookies, pizza, Jay’s cinnamon rolls. Jay’s had lots of issues with generators breaking down. The kids actually got a lot of schooling in. Anna worked in the clinic a lot this week.  And God is definitely on my mind "a lot". He has been reminding me in Isaiah that apart from Him there is no God that He is the One who is my only Savior. No clean well or hand sanitizer or doctor or donor or team or friend or small group can be all that God is or be my Savior. But, He sends those gifts and more to remind me to praise him.

Praise:We had a team here who ran a vision clinic and sewing clinics with women from the community every afternoon. It was a great hit. We also have an idea of running a paper bead making clinic for women….combining it with a women’s health clinic. We heard that in some places they teach women about their menstrual cycle using beads on a necklace, to help teach about natural family planning. Pray that we can get supplies to make this happen, along with getting the CPR Abstinence program up and running.

Jay is planning on trying to figure out what parts he needs for all the equipment on the campus, and making maintenance routine sheets. Praise that Jay has been able to troubleshoot some mechanical problems. Pray that we can get all the parts he needs to get everything up and running.

For my part, I’ve mainly just been doing the homeschool thing, along with helping in the kitchen. I have been slowly working on creating an English curriculum.  Everything is going well, but progress is made in bits and starts, with lots of interruptions. Please pray for perseverance.

We met with the lawyer who represents NVM and who has agreed to be our adoption lawyer on Friday.  Jacques is one of Esperandieu’s friends and has served on Haiti’s Supreme Court as a justice. He indicated that we would not need to go through a crèche (official orphanage) and that he thought he could push this adoption through in 6-8 months. (Amy thinks this would be a miracle!) We were very encouraged, especially since he told Pierre to set up a meeting with Fedlaine’s biological parents next week…feels like he’s ready to work on this in a timely manner.  He wants to sit down with both parents and make sure that they both know that they are not obligated to give Fedlaine up. We are both in agreement that this discussion needs to be had with a lawyer present. Please pray that the meeting would actually happen and that it would go well.

The kids all seem to be adjusting better. Not as many tears this week from the boys. Seems like weekends are the hardest.  School is going more smoothly and Fedlaine seems to realize that we mean what we say.  She seems very happy and content. Please keep praying for all Shultz kids and for wisdom in parenting.

Thank you all for your prayers…we are definitely missing you all!

Cheryl Hamilton
1/23/2011 09:44:53 am

Hi guys! It's been so great to hear what is going on with you and to have specifics to pray for you all. Keep on blogging! We miss you all so much and can't wait to see you when we come down, probably in June. Henry & Don are meeting this week to finalize details & assemble our team! Can't wait! Love you all!


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